Creative Marketing Designer (Junior/Fresh Grad)



Johor Bahru, Johor




Glyph stands as a symbol of Hope & Courage to the marginalised in society. We operate as a community membership programme for everyday Singaporeans with the aim of becoming Asia’s leading social venture builder creating complementary lines of businesses to empower social mobility for the masses.

Our business is forged upon strategic partnerships and empowered fellowship where we constantly build a network of leaders and businesses who are championing sustainable, impactful change through Social and Cultural capital.

Vision – One Asia. One Dream.

Mission – Levelling the Playing Field, Advancing Equal Opportunity

Our team at Glyph embody 4 characteristics that keep us motivated and excited about what we are doing. We call these the 4 D’s.


Drive, lies at the core of Glyph.

Regardless of your background, education or past; there’s nothing you can’t achieve if there’s this persistent energy within you to learn, inspire and succeed.


No one likes supervision or micro-management.

Neither do we; we believe people are the best versions of themselves when they are trusted to do their best work and to exercise restraint when given autonomy.


People need to know that you’ve got their backs.

Especially when it comes to crunch time, when it counts, you’re at their sides, smashing through bricks and stone every step of the runway.


Be it a lawyer who became a chef’s apprentice or a doctor who chose to be an artist; we celebrate life and people from all walks of it.

We believe in taking a chance on people who took the path less travelled, for it’s the experiences and circumstances along the way that shapes the individual.


This role would require a highly independent, self-motivated and enthusiastic team player.

We are a small cohesive team, heavily bootstrapped and requiring every member to pull their own weight.

What You’ll be Doing Exactly:

- Being the creative lead in all aspects of the business

- Designing programme materials like brochures, flyers, pamphlets

- Designing digital materials like EDMs, websites

- Creative content development for all marketing collaterals

- Social Media Content Marketing and Engagement

- Online & Digital marketing strategies

- WordPress Management and Design

- Preparing beautiful PPT decks to amaze our partners and investors

- Involvement in all member activities like roadshows and events

Must Haves:

- Attitude: This isn’t a 9-6 job; lots of things to get done and we need to get it done

- Aptitude: We are not expecting you to know it all, have it all; but rather having the intense curiosity and desire to learn whatever’s necessary and grow yourself in the process

- Ability: You need to be proficient in some design software to achieve the above; be it Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva or Creative Cloud, as long as it gets the job done

- You’re required to work weekends, off-days are given on weekdays

Certain skill sets which are compulsory would be Microsoft Office and Googling for information. Emotional empathy coupled with great interpersonal skills would take you a long way in this team and the communities we engage with.

We are not looking for qualifications but rather people with the right attitude and are aligned with our Vision, Mission and People Culture.

If you feel being in a Social Enterprise is where you’re meant to be, kindly write in to and let us know why you’ll be a great addition to the team.

Glyph focuses on Singapore and Malaysia. Their company has offices in Singapore. They have a small team that's between 1-10 employees.

You can view their website at

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