미에현에서 기타 구인

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고용 형태

정사원(중도 채용)


연간 수입 18,000,000 ~ 30,000,000

업무 내용

1. Directs and is responsible for all business issues across account site including customer satisfaction, P&L, budget management.
2. Anticipates future customer needs and directs the delivery of customer service commitments and development of and the implementation of solutions to customer's high value problems.
3. Is the primary interface to the site account on all operational and service commitments. Owns the overall site responsibility for customer satisfaction. Interfaces with internal and external customers on business and operational issues involving the company's service commitments. 
4. Ensures that the site maintains a workforce with the requisite skills and capabilities to meet current and future customer service requirements. Is responsible for individual and employee development and employee satisfaction. 
5. Works with senior business group management team to ensure that such programs, strategies, and processes address high value problems for the Business Unit and are aligned with the organization’s direction.
6. Provides approval guidelines and leadership to reporting managers in the area of long-term program, strategy, and process design.
7. Defines performance metrics and reports on the site's progress against business unit and account specific goals.

위의 문장은 원문(영어)입니다.

지원 자격


KPI status management
Cost management
Experience withe the following:
Time management
Resource management
Communication with Global
Global standards and rulesCustomer management support
Business lead 

위의 문장은 원문(영어)입니다.

게재처Career Cross3년 전

구인 안내 메일 받아보기

※ 회원등록을 하면, 희망 조건에 맞는 구인정보를 메일로 받아볼 수 있습니다.

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