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Nível de conversação em japonês

N2 ou N2 equivalente habilidade japonesa

Local de trabalho

Gunma Isesaki-shi



Situação profissional

Empregados em tempo integral (meados de carreira)

Horário de trabalho



Rendimento anual 5,500,000 ~ 7,000,000

Descrição do trabalho

[ Job Purpose]
To Support team management of Manager.
To manage Job schedule and activity for Staff.
To manage Donaldson’s relationship with customers in all matters that are generally considered quality matters.
[ Key Qualifications & Requirements]
Execute team operation together with staff by strong leadership
Develop capability of staff with OJT.
Manage Job schedule for team staff.
Coordinate customer returns and respond to the customer with results. Sorting, Failure Analysis request tracking, status updates communication with customers
Support quality and customer requirements. This may include, but not be limited to Environmental, reliability, quality or product issues.
Coordinate the change requests with the customers
Work with members of quality control
Execute product final inspection and incoming inspection for purchased products and parts.
Maintain and improve incoming parts/finished goods inspection capability and outgoing inspection for finished goods
Work with evaluation test engineers. Evaluation test, quality verification test
Build, maintain and improve “Quality and Environmental (IATF, ISO) Management system”.
Conduct product and Process quality audit.
Assist in the training of Quality systems
Any other job-related duties as requested by management
 [ Education Qualification]
High School
[ Technical Competence & Skills]
Air and Liquid Filtration Technology, Manufacturing Process, Testing Method, Measurement & Tolerance, PC & software use, Product Knowledge, Data Analysis
Basic Knowledge of the quality control (6-sigma, 8D methodology, FMEA, MSA, FTA etc.).
Basic knowledge of IATF16949, ISO9001 and ISO14001
[ Leadership Competence]
Managing & measuring work, Negotiating, Presentation skill, Process Management, Understanding others,
Interpersonal skill
Malfunction and trouble analysis analytical ability
Objective thinking ability
Mindset of the accomplishment
Presentation skill
Facilitation ability
Rational thought
The reporting that it is plain and is accurate.
[ Relevant Experience]
A person with at least three years as customer interface.
A person with at least three years' Quality improvement activity
Understanding of internal process of customer order to product delivery.
Knowledge of information required for automotive or much kind of other products.
[ Others (% of travel, language, etc.)]
Fluent in Japanese.
Basic Business English skill is advantage
ポジション名 :  群馬工場 生産本部 品質保証課・カスタマー・クオリティ・スーパーバイザー
IATF16949, ISO14001の維持、改善
IATF16949, ISO9001 and ISO14001の知識および運用経験
【 日本ドナルドソン株式会社の基本情報と勤務条件 】
【 企業概要 】
■ 会社名:               日本ドナルドソン株式会社(NIPPON DONALDSON, LTD.)
■ 代表者名:           代表取締役社長 五十川 勝司
■ 設立:                   1964年12月21日
■ 資本金:               3億70万円(外国資本100% Donaldson Company Inc.)
■ 従業員数:           270名(平均年齢45歳)
■ 本社所在地:       立川本社 (東京都立川市錦町1丁目8番7号)
■ 本社以外の所在地: 群馬工場 (群馬県伊勢崎市)、関西営業所(大阪府大阪市)
■ 売上高:               外資上場会社。売上、営業実績非公開
【 事業内容 】
■ ホームページ(日本):         http://www.donaldson.co.jp/index.html 
■ ホームページ(Global):      https://www.donaldson.com/en-us/ 
■ 応募ページ(Global):         https://donaldson.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/DonaldsonCareers 
【 募集要項 】
■ 配属先:               群馬工場 生産本部 (マネジャー50代、チーム内14名。生産本部内約120名)
■ 勤務先:               群馬工場(〒370-0105群馬県伊勢崎市境伊与久1911番地)
■ 雇⽤形態:           正社員(試用期間6か⽉)
■ 想定年収:           約572~698万円(賞与年2回(約4ケ⽉)込。賞与は業績実績に応じる。)
■ 勤務時間:           08:00-17:00(フレックス制度あり)
■ 通勤⼿当:           当社規定に基づく(自動車通勤可)
■ 各種保険制度:   社会保険完備、雇⽤保険、労災、確定拠出年⾦制度
■ その他:               福利厚生クラブ加入、寮・社宅、住宅補助なし
■ 休日:                   年間休日123日、土日、夏季休暇、年末年始休暇、GW休暇
【 本ポジションに関する問合せ先 】
日本ドナルドソン株式会社 総務人事本部
採用担当: 浦川太郎  電話番号: 0270-76-3111  メール: taro.urakawa@donaldson.com

Descrição original (japonês)

Qualificações necessárias


Descrição original (japonês)


年間休日123日、土日、夏季休暇、年末年始休暇、GW休暇 、入社初年度有給休暇10日・リフレッシュ休暇2日(時期による)

Descrição original (japonês)

Postado por Career Cross há 3 anos

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