What is the meaning of “Oshi no Ko”? Is Oshi no Ko good? 5 Reasons to Give it a Try


One of the most highly anticipated anime in 2023 is Oshi no Ko by Akasaka Aka, best known for popular anime and manga series Kaguya-sama: Love is War. In this article review of Oshi no Ko, we explore the meaning of the title, and present our 5 reasons why you should start reading it if you haven’t already and catch the anime when it is released. 

Header Image Credit © 赤坂アカ×横槍メンゴ/集英社・【推しの子】製作委員会

Table of Contents

  1. What is “Oshi no Ko”?
  2. What does “Oshi no Ko” mean? “Oshi no Ko” has Two Meaning
  3. Is Oshi no Ko good? 5 Reasons to Read / Watch Oshi no Ko 
    1. The Theme of Showbiz and Focus on the Japanese Idol Industry
    2. Expect the Unexpected, Lots of Twists and Turns
    3. Characters and Relationships
    4. Star Eyes Because They Are Stars
    5. Connection with Kaguya-sama: Love is War
  4. To Close, 5 Manga and Anime to Try if you Love Oshi no Ko 
    1. Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai (Kaguya-sama : Love is War)
    2. Kuzu no Honkai (Scum’s Wish)
    3. Skip Beat!
    4. Nana 
    5. Sayonara Miniskirt (Not Your Idol)

What is “Oshi no Ko”?

Oshi no Ko (推しの子) is a popular Japanese manga series written by Akasaka Aka and illustrated by Yokoyari Mengo. Oshi no Ko’s manga was first serialised in Weekly Jump in April 2020 and has since gained a large following. 

You may have heard of Akasaka Aka who is best known for “Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai (Kaguya-sama: Love is War)” whose manga was finalised very recently on November 2, 2022, while Yokoyari Mengo is best known for spicy drama manga series “Kuzu no Honkai (Scum’s Wish)”

Oshi no Ko Plot Introduction

Countryside gynaecologist Amemiya Gorou is a big fan of talented idol Hoshino Ai. To this surprise, the idol shows up pregnant at his hospital and Gorou was tasked with helping deliver her children in secret. On the night of Ai’s delivery, Gorou encounters a mysterious figure who ends up murdering him. The next moment, Gorou opens his eyes and finds himself as Aquamarine, Ai’s newborn son. 

Retaining memories of his previous life, Gorou learns to navigate his new life - growing up again, being a brother to his twin Ruby, and being a child to his beloved idol. However, Gorou soon discovers that the world of showbiz is not all fun and glitter like he thinks as tragedy strikes the family of three. Will he be able to protect his newfound family and Ai’s lovely smile, and what of the mystery of his sudden death? 

What does “Oshi no Ko” mean? “Oshi no Ko” has Two Meanings

Unlike Jujutsu Kaisen whose meaning is obscure, Oshi no Ko’s meaning that has been clarified by Akasaka-sensei in an interview is pretty clear. When asked "Why did you pick “Oshi no Ko” as the title?" Akasaka-sensei answered that “Oshi no Ko” has two meanings which are clear from reading the first volume. They are : 

suki na aidoru wo osu
- Supporting your favourite idol 

oshiteiru aidoru no kodomo
- Children of idol you are supporting

In other words, “Oshi no Ko (推しの子)” means “Idol’s Fans” and “Idol’s Children”

※ Tsutaya, “『【推しの子】』タイトルに付けられた【】の意味とは? 1巻は伏線だらけ!!【TSUTAYAの名物企画人“仕掛け番長”のススメ】

What does “Oshi” mean in Japanese?

Oshi (推し) means “being a fan of”, “being a supporter of”, or “one’s favourite (character, member idol, etc.)”.

「推し oshi」refers to your favourite group, idol, or character that you are supporting as a fan. The closest terminology would be the K-pop term “bias”, though “bias” does not fully capture the meaning of “oshi” in Japanese culture. 

Anything you do as a fan in support of your oshi is referred to as 「推し活 oshikatsu」 or 「推し事 oshigoto」. This includes buying music and merchandise, going to concerts, drawing fanart, and etc. 

Oshi no Ko Means “Idol’s Fan” and “Idol’s Children”

The theme of Oshi no Ko revolves around Japanese idol culture and the showbiz industry. So who exactly are the “Idol’s Fan” and “Idol’s Children” that the title mentions? As Akasaka-sensei mentions, this is very clear from the start of the series. 

“Idol’s Fan” : From Chapter 1, this refers to Amemiya Gorou and Tendouji Sarina whose oshi is Hoshino Ai. 

“Idol’s Children” : From Chapter 1 and 2, Hoshino Aquamarine and Hoshino Ruby are the twin children of Hoshino Ai and the protagonists of the series. 

Another Meaning? 推 from 推理

推理 Suiri means "mystery genre" or "detective genre"; it can also mean "reasoning", "inference", and "deduction"

Mystery is a huge theme in Oshi no Ko, which we will explain further below. The mystery aspect of the story is also what makes Oshi no Ko such a fascinating read. 

Is Oshi no Ko good? 5 Reasons to Read / Watch Oshi no Ko 

Yes, it’s great! The large fan base itself is proof of this. 

© AnimeJapan 2022

In 2022 last year, Oshi no Ko came in 5th on Anime Japan’s Manga We Want to See Animated Ranking, and was nominated in the ranking for 2021, just 1 year after the series started. To the great joy of many fans, an anime adaptation is confirmed and the extended 90-minute version of the first episode will be released in Japanese cinema on March 17, 2023 (the day I’m writing this article!). The anime’s opening theme will be 「アイドル aidoru」”Idol” by YOASOBI, and the ending theme「メフィスト mefisuto」”Mephisto” by Queen Bee. The anime series will premiere on Netflix from April 13! Can't wait!

Without further ado, here are 5 reasons why you should start reading Oshi no Ko (if you haven’t already) and catch the anime when it is released! 

① The Theme of Showbiz and Focus on the Japanese Idol Industry

Idols and showbiz themes are not a new thing in anime and manga with titles like Skip Beat!, Love Live! School Idol Project, and more, but none approach the themes like Oshi no Ko does. 

Admittedly Skip Beat! does really well in introducing the acting world including child actors and acting methods, but the focus is on acting, whereas Oshi no Ko ventures into various aspects of the entertainment industry. It reflects the modern entertainment industry where celebrities are involved in various fields. In Oshi no Ko, aside from the Japanese idol industry, other fields explored include dating reality TV, social media, acting including child acting, theatre, and maybe more in the future. 

Additionally, since Oshi no Ko is a seinen manga which is targeted at older audiences, it touches on heavy and sensitive topics as well. For example, teenage pregnancy, cyberbullying, and darker aspects of the showbiz industry. 

② Expect the Unexpected, Lots of Twists and Turns

I can’t go into detail about this without revealing any spoilers, but from the onset, Oshi no Ko has presented itself as a manga with unexpected storylines. From the first chapter itself, the number of unforeseen events are enough to give readers whiplash

In Chapter 1 of Oshi no Ko, we were presented with a pregnant 16 year old idol Hoshino Ai; the topic of teenage pregnancy itself is uncommon. Next, our protagonist who is in charge of helping his beloved Ai give birth gets murdered! What?! Who did it? Why?! And then at the end of the chapter, we find out he gets reincarnated as one of Ai’s newborn children. So it’s a reincarnation storyline! 

This doesn’t happen throughout the whole manga, but there are several memorable events that felt like I had the carpet swept out from beneath me. This is actually a good thing as it makes the storyline well balanced and makes the impact of the unexpected stronger.

③ Characters and Relationships

© 赤坂アカ×横槍メンゴ/集英社・【推しの子】製作委員会

One of the great things about Oshi no Ko is the interesting cast of characters. As expected of the creator of Kaguya-sama whose characters are all individualistic. 

Not only are the characters incredibly well written, but the character growth as the story progresses is one of the best things about the story. The relationships between characters are also an integral part of the story, especially for Aqua and Ruby whose motivations are strongly inspired by their relationship as children and fans of their mother. 

The familial bonds between the Hoshino family, interpersonal relationships within the entertainment industry, and the romance drama as well are what makes Oshino Ko such a great read. 

④ Star Eyes Because They Are Stars 

“They have funny eyes, why are their pupils stars?!” I asked one day. The obvious answer, a fellow Oshi no Ko fan friend of mine, gave was “Because they are stars!”. 

Not the same meaning as starry-eyed (naively enthusiastic or idealistic), these characters literally have star eyes. A unique character design by Yokoyari Mengo is the star pupils that Hoshino Ai, Aqua and Ruby have. To indicate their statuses as “Oshi” and “Oshi no Ko” perhaps? Ai has stars in each of her eyes, while Aqua and Ruby have one each, Aqua’s on the right and Ruby’s on the left, to symbolise they are one half of their mother each. 

But these aren’t the only characters that have star eyes. Though the Hoshino family's star eyes are basically permanent (because they were born to be stars?), in the later parts of the manga, another character was drawn with star eyes, although temporarily. Do star eyes have something to do with Ai? Or to show a character’s charisma levels? There is also a theory circulating that they symbolise lies. 

So, what exactly is the significance of star eyes in Oshi no Ko? We don’t know yet, and that’s what makes Oshi no Ko so fun to read. Among the many mysteries to uncover, there’s also the hidden meaning of the star eyes. 

⑤ Connection with Kaguya-sama: Love is War

Fans of Kaguya-sama: Love is War will be pleased to know that Oshi no Ko is set a few years later in the same universe, as confirmed by Akasaka-sensei in the interview with Tsutaya. Some of the characters that appeared in Oshi no Ko are even related to those in Kaguya-sama. The example he gave was Shiranui Frill, who is Ruby’s highschool classmate, is the younger sister of Shiranui Koromo, a supporting character that first appears in Chapter 211 of Kaguya-sama.

Another reference that appeared is the manga「今日は甘口で」”Kyou wa Amakuchi de”. In Episode 19 / Chapter 73 of Kaguya-sama, Shirogane’s strategy to make Kaguya fall in love and confess to him is to get her to read the manga. In Oshi no Ko, the manga gets a drama adaptation starring Aqua and Arima Kana. 

And, for a very brief moment, Kaguya makes an appearance in Oshi no Ko! We look forward to any more peeks at Kaguya, Shirogane, Ishigami and Fujikawa’s future life! 

To Close, 5 Manga and Anime to Try if you Love Oshi no Ko 

Oshi no Ko is still ongoing so we cannot yet say if it is a masterpiece. Still, many fans and myself are enjoying this thrilling manga and look forward to the anime’s release. To end this article, here are my 5 recommendations for manga and anime to try if you enjoyed Oshi no Ko. 

Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai (Kaguya-sama : Love is War)

Kaguya-sama tells the tale of student council president Shirogane Miyuki and vice president Shinomiya Kaguya who are mutually in love. However, both of them are too proud to confess their feelings, believing the one to do so first would “lose”. The war of strategy thus begins between the two geniuses of Shuchiin Academy as they endeavour to make the other confess first. 

A masterpiece by Akasaka Aka, this light-hearted romantic comedy is a huge contrast to darker drama mystery mood in Oshi no Ko. Kaguya-sama is recommended for fans of Oshi no Ko as the storytelling and character writing showcased is just as good in Kaguya-sama. It can also be said that Kaguya-sama is the work that allowed Akasaka-sensei to develop his skills for Oshi no Ko. In fact, the lively and straightforward Arima Kana is a character that personifies the “feel” of Kaguya-sama as an attempt by Akasaka-sensei to lighten the dark mood that Oshi no Ko has. 

Kuzu no Honkai (Scum’s Wish)

© 横槍メンゴ/SQUARE ENIX・「クズの本懐」制作委員会

Couple Yasuraoka Hanabi and Awaya Mugi appear to be perfect highschool sweethearts, but that could not be further from the truth. With unreciprocated feelings for another, their relationship is purely physical to satisfy their urges and escape the pain and loneliness of wanting another. 

A story about unrequited love and the extremes people go to forget their plan. Kuzu no Honkai is Oshi no Ko illustrator Yokoyari Mengo’s most famous work. It has a similar dark vibe to Oshi no Ko and touches on dark and mature themes like forbidden relationships, cheating in relationships, and toxic relationships. Though rated highly, the manga is a hit or miss with some people. For one, the characters are not likeable, which is something you should know beforehand. It makes sense though, since as the title implies, they are all scums. 

© VIZ Media

Skip Beat! is a long-time favourite shoujo manga series centred in the acting industry. The story is about Mogami Kyouko who after being betrayed by childhood friend and love interest Fuwa Shoutarou swears to get revenge against him. How? By beating him at his own game.

The theme of Skip Beat! Is also showbiz and the entertainment agency with a focus on the acting industry and talent shows. First serialised in February 2002, it is still ongoing, and so compared to Oshi no Ko reflects more traditional entertainment industry and culture. Another difference is that Skip Beat! is a shoujo manga targeted at teenage girls, plus it's a romantic comedy so it is lighthearted, funnier and easier to read. Kyouko’s antics are particularly humorous, and her try-hard attitude makes you want to support her and is also inspiring. 


© 矢沢漫画制作所/集英社・VAP・マッドハウス・NTV

Two women, both named Nana, meet by coincidence and shape each other’s lives despite being two very different people. The two form a close bond and support each other through the thick and thin of life.

The story is heavily focused on the characters and their relationships with each other. Plus, music is one of the themes. Though the manga is on hiatus due to the mangaka’s ill health, it is definitely worth reading. Or watch the anime and live action movies which are extremely well-received - we gave them a special mention in our Japanese Live Actions Movies and Dramas article

Sayonara Miniskirt (Not Your Idol)

© 2023 Shueisha Inc

Kamiyama Nina, a girl who dislikes looking feminine chooses to wear a male school uniform and has her hair cut short. Her hidden secret? She was previously Amamiya Karen, the centre of popular idol group Pure Club, before an incident made her give up that life. Her identity is discovered by a fellow classmate, but also the person who is responsible for the incident that changed her life. 

This manga has many similar elements with Oshi no Ko. Both have the J-idol industry as their themes and have a mystery plot. They both also cover important issues like psychological trauma from distressing experiences. 

Sayonara Miniskirt was first serialised in August 2018, and is still ongoing. 


Originally from Malaysia, came to Japan to study in 2019 and stayed on for work. I love travelling and dream of one day visiting all 47 prefectures in Japan. What I love about Japan is the nature, culture, and food!

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