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Job site for foreign nationals
looking for work in Japan
Done in 60 seconds
Other job in Tochigi
Tochigi Kanuma-shi
Hourly wage 1,150 ~
Part time
Equivalent to N3
Publisher FREEJOB 2 hours ago
Light work job in Osaka
Osaka Yao-shi
Hourly wage 1,350 ~ 1,688
Equivalent to N1
Publisher Work Gate 5 hours ago
Warehouse job in Osaka
Osaka Izumisano-shi
Hourly wage 1,600 ~
Equivalent to N5
Publisher マッハバイト 7 hours ago
Sales job in Tokyo
Tokyo Chuuo-ku
Monthly salary 252,000 ~ 267,750
Equivalent to N1
Publisher 株式会社アイメックス 12 hours ago
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WeXpats Jobs is a portal site for foreigners looking for jobs in Japan. Find the best job for you in Japan's biggest job pool. There are very few job search sites in Japan available in multiple languages, making it hard for foreigners to find jobs. WeXpats Jobs can be used in 8 languages - Japanese, English, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Korean, Vietnamese, Bahasa Indonesia, Burmese - so you can look for jobs in Japan in your native language. And because we gather jobs that welcome foreigners from different websites, you can find a job that best fits you on WeXpats Jobs!
Introducing articles helpful to foreigners looking for jobs and working in Japan.
Driving a Powerhouse Economy: The Most Common Jobs in Japan
Find out the most common jobs and industries in Japan and get an idea what kind of industries to look into getting jobs in!
The Right Type of Visa for Engineer Jobs In Japan
You got the engineering job in Japan - now get the proper permission to work in the country.
How to Properly Prepare Yourself For Your Job Interview in Japan
Japanese interviews can seem daunting - here's a guide on what to wear, do and say so you know what to expect!
The Basics of Changing Jobs in Japan
If you're all set to move onto your next job, make sure to check that you've taken all the proper steps. We cover the basics so you can cover your bases.
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