
Prestige Park Grove offers a wide range of residential options, including apartments in various sizes and configurations. The residential complex includes a total of 3627 units, designed in the following configurations: 373 units of 1 BHK apartments 432 units of 2 BHK apartments 1865 units of 3 BHK apartments 85 units of 3.5 BHK apartments 872 units of 4 BHK apartments

해외 거주 이력


1995/09 - 2022/9


2022/9 - 현재

기본 정보

관심 있는 카테고리

  • 유학

  • 취업

  • 생활

  • 여행

  • 기타

  • 일본어

  • 문화

  • 요즘 일본 소식

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