Useful Japan Certifications and Qualifications to Land a Job in Japan


“What qualifications do I need to get a job in Japan?” you may ask. For people job-hunting in Japan, or looking to work in Japan, having certifications or qualifications proving Japanese proficiency and business skills can be useful. 

In this article, we introduce Japan certifications and qualifications that foreign nationals should acquire in order to successfully get a job in Japan. 

First Published: 2021-11-11
Updated: 2024-05-28

Table of Contents

  1. Advantages of Having The Right Japan Qualifications / Certification
  2. How to Know What Qualifications / Certifications to Get for Work in Japan
  3. Best Qualifications / Certifications for Foreigners to Gain Employment in Japan
  4. Career Specific Certifications in Japan
    1. IT Industry
    2. Translation/Interpretation Jobs
    3. English Teaching
  5. Find Jobs in Japan with WeXpats

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Advantages of Having the Right Japan Qualifications / Certification

Advantages of Having the Right Japan Qualifications / Certification

In Japan, with the exception of some highly specialized occupations, it is possible to get a job even without having the right qualifications. However, having the right qualification gives you an advantage when looking for a job as well as career progression. Below, we will introduce the benefits of putting in the work to acquire qualifications/certifications.

Makes Your Resume Look Good 

With the right qualifications and certifications, it will be easier to promote yourself when looking for a job. Resumes and entry sheets submitted during job hunting generally include a section for qualifications and achievements, this is where your certifications will shine brightest. By filling out your acquired certifications, you can better convey the skills and abilities you have, and during the job interview you can talk about them as part of your hard working character. 

Leads to Personal Growth

Studying to obtain certifications also leads to personal growth. For example, studying for a certification related to computer applications will deepen your knowledge of how to operate applications and increase your work efficiency. Also, if you acquire a language certification, you can expand your scope of work. Studying to attain Japanese language certifications also comes hand-in-hand with learning about Japanese culture and society. 

Leads to Career Growth

career growth in japan

Certifications can also increase your potential income. When hiring, not just educational background but acquired certifications (if relevant to the job) are also taken into consideration when deciding the base salary. Furthermore, getting a new certification related to your current job may also get you a pay raise or a promotion

In Japan, many companies hold study groups (勉強会 benkyoukai) for employees to update their knowledge. There are also companies that sponsor certification examination fees or tuition fees for employees to improve themselves. 

Apply for Jobs that Require Certain Japan Qualifications / Certifications

For highly specialised positions, only those with specific qualifications may apply. For example, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, lawyers, etc. cannot find employment unless they have national qualifications. There are also many job openings that require Japanese language proficiency. Therefore, having a certification will increase your employment options.

Note that, foreign nationals who wish to work as doctors or nurses in Japan must pass the local exam. Qualifications, such as doctor and nursing, that are acquired overseas cannot be used in Japan. 

How to Know What Qualifications / Certifications to Get for Work in Japan

what certifications to get in japan

The best way to find out what qualifications and/or certifications you need is to check job listings in the relevant industry and occupation. Research what is essential for employment or works favourably in the selection process. It is important to check not only the name of the certification, but what level and/or score to get

Equipped with the knowledge of what your industry and occupation requires, you can start making preparations and scheduling to acquire it. Again, your experience can be brought up during the interview process as evidence of your hard work and forward-planning.

Best Qualifications / Certifications for Foreigners to Gain Employment in Japan

recommended certifications for foreign nationals in japan

Here, we will introduce the certifications and qualifications that are recommended for foreigners to take in order to successfully get a job in Japan. Japanese language proficiency certifications is quite a standard requirement, but there are other certifications that will come in useful as well.

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) 

The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (日本語能力試験, JLPT), is a test to measure the Japanese language proficiency of non-native Japanese speakers. The exam is conducted twice a year in July and December, with results releasing 2 months later. There are 5 difficult levels, from N1 the highest level, and N5 the lowest level. The JLPT consists of 3 sections: “language knowledge (言語知識)”, “reading comprehension (読解)”, and “listening comprehension (聴解)” to test the examinees’ knowledge of vocabulary and grammar.

For more information about the JLPT: All About the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test

Business Japanese Proficiency Test (BJT)

The BJT is considered one of many alternatives to the JLPT. As its name suggests, the BJT is more inclined towards business Japanese, and is a test to measure Japanese proficiency necessary for work. The test is conducted almost everyday at many facilities, and results are available almost immediately. It is also an acceptable Japanese proficiency test when applying for a Certificate of Eligibility (visa purposes). 

Communication in Japanese is essential in the Japanese business scene. If you get a high score for BJT, you will be able to demonstrate your business level Japanese when looking for a job. 

Practical Japanese Test (J.Test 実用日本語検定) 

Another alternative to the JLPT. The J.Test measures whether you have the Japanese language skills necessary to find a job or advance to higher education in Japan

There are 3 levels of examinations:

  • A~C Level for advanced students,
  • D~E Level for beginner to intermediate students,
  • F~G Level for newcomer students.

After taking the test, examinees are separated into “classes” based on points scored: Special A, A, Pre-A, B, pre-B, C, D, E, F, G classes. 

Note that the “A~C Level” test measures Japanese language proficiency at a higher level than the JLPT

Practical Japanese Communication Test (PJC 実践日本語コミュニケーション検定)

The PJC is a test that measures the Japanese communication ability of those whose mother tongue is not Japanese. There are two types of tests: PJCBridge for basic Japanese language proficiency and PJC for business situations.

The test scope consists of more practical Japanese, so it is useful not only for looking for a job, but for communicating with people in office and business contexts after gaining employment. 

Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)

Microsoft Office Specialist, also known as "MOS", is a test offered and certified by Microsoft. Having a certification for a specific programme proves you are a “specialist” in it. The Office programmes available to obtain certification include Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. For those looking to get an office job in Japan, or a job that requires preparing documents and using a computer, it is a good idea to get one to demonstrate your basic computer skills. 

Secretariat Qualification Grade 3 (秘書検定3級)

The “Official Test for a Secretarial Qualification (秘書検定3級)” is a test to check whether you have the acquired the necessary language and communication skills for business. There are 4 levels with Grade 1 being the most difficult, followed by pre-Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3. 

Grade 3, where you learn skills to support your boss, is not a difficult level and relatively easy to pass. It is recommended for foreigners who want to learn basic common knowledge for working in a Japanese company

Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) 

TOEIC is the most common English proficiency test in Japan. If you are applying to a company that requires a high level of English proficiency, having a high TOEIC score will be an advantage. The TOEIC(R)Listening&Reading Test in particular, is a qualification that measures whether you have the English skills necessary for business scenes. 

In general, it is said that if you get a TOEIC score of 600 or higher, it is worth writing the score on your resume. A score of 800 or higher is required for foreign-affiliated companies and global companies. Foreigners from native-English speaking countries generally do not need TOEIC results, but otherwise foreigners who are good at English should aim for a high TOEIC score to appeal themselves when job hunting. 

Career-specific Certifications in Japan

career specific certfications to get in japan

As we mentioned above, having the right certification for your industry and occupation in Japan puts you at an advantage when job hunting, changing jobs, or climbing the career ladder. Here are some certifications that are useful for popular industries and occupations for foreigners in Japan. 

IT Career in Japan

IT career in japan

The IT industry is a huge and still growing industry in Japan. The non-exhaustive list of IT careers include IT engineers (both frontend and backend, or all rounded), software engineers, website developers, app developers, and others including network, data, artificial intelligence, robotics, databases, game development, designers, etc. 

Here are some examples of certifications that may be useful for your IT career in Japan:

  • AWS Certifications
  • Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect
  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
  • Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
  • Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP)

Translation Career in Japan

translation career in japan

Translation and interpretation careers are highly popular with foreigners in Japan, whether for a full time or part time job. There are plenty of translator certifications available around the world. When applying for a translation/interpretation job in Japan, check if your certification is recognized by the company. 

Japan has its own translator certification by the Japan Translation Association (日本翻訳協会). The Association offers 10 types of certifications covering different languages, translation levels, industries, and subject areas. At present, the translation languages available Chinese, English, French, German, and Japanese

※ Japan Translation Association, “Certification and Accreditation Tests

English Teaching Career in Japan

english teaching in japan

Generally, for a basic English teaching job, you only need to have an education in a native-English speaking country and a 4 year university degree. For those coming from a non-native English speaking country, an English teaching certification is highly recommended for successful employment. 

Here are some English teaching certification to consider:

  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
  • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
  • Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA)
  • Diploma in English Language Teaching to Adults (DELTA)

Note that requirements may differ according to the English school in Japan, some schools may require you to have a specific certification so check the job description when applying. 

For those aspiring to become an English teacher in Japan, read more about How to Become an English Teacher in Japan.

Find a Job in Japan with WeXpats

WeXpats operates a service for foreign nationals who want to work in Japan. There are jobs in a variety of industries. There are 2 services available on WeXpats - WeXpats Agent for full time jobs and WeXpats Jobs for part time jobs. 

Looking for a Full Time Position? Leave it to WeXpats Agent!

WeXpats Agent is a career support service that specialises in employment for foreign nationals living in Japan. 

Recruitment agencies in Japan are a service where dedicated career advisors will assist you with your job hunt for free. In addition to introducing open positions, we also provide support to help you create your Japanese resume and practice for interviews. Worried about job hunting in Japanese? We are here for you. 

Features of WeXpats Agent

  1. We have many job openings that are a good fit for foreign nationals to work in, such as translation, interpretation, inbound, etc. jobs that make use of your language skills, as well as engineering etc. jobs that do not require Japanese skills.

  2. Our career advisors support and help you prepare your resume and practice job interviews with you. Clearly communicate your strengths to the hiring company.

  3. We will handle communication with companies on your behalf, such as arranging interview dates and negotiating conditions. And thereby reducing your stress and time spent. 


Finding a Part Time Job? Browse on WeXpats Jobs! 

WeXpats Jobs is a part time job site for foreign nationals living in Japan. You can search for jobs in 11 languages (English, Vietnamese, Korean, Indonesian, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Burmese, Thai, Spanish, Portuguese), including Japanese. Find jobs that suit you by specifying your Japanese language level, occupation, location, and etc.

※ You can register from outside Japan, but only those living in Japan can apply for jobs.


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