Localização trabalho en Tokyo


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※No registo como um membro, você pode receber e-mails sobre trabalhos com base nas condições desejadas

Nível de conversação em japonês

N1 ou N1 equivalente habilidade japonesa

Idioma desejado


Local de trabalho

Tokyo Shinjuku-ku



Situação profissional

Funcionário contratado (trabalhador com visto de Habilidade Específica ou tokutei ginou)

Horário de trabalho



Rendimento anual 2,800,000 ~ 3,200,000

Descrição do trabalho

As Localization QA Game Tester, you will work within our Localization Quality Assurance team and be the very first person to see the localized game in its entirety – translated text, images and the rest of the user interface collectively. You’ll get to experience the project in the way it will be consumed by the end users. You will work in a multilingual project team ensuring that the game is free from grammatical errors, cultural inconsistencies and ultimately ensuring that the game is accurately localized into the target language.

-Collaborate with a global project team.
-Identify and correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and other language errors.
-Ensure adherence to console manufacturer guidelines.
-Log details of errors and issues, providing improvement suggestions.
-Ensure accurate translation within context and maintain consistency in terminology and imagery.
-Identify missing or incorrect content and ensure proper display/format of dates, calendars, and characters.
-Write reports on errors and bugs found and perform ad hoc translation.
-Oversee the quality of your work, collaborate with the team, and contribute to the overall success of projects.

Descrição original (japonês)

Qualificações necessárias

-Fluent English
-Native in Traditional or Simplified Chinese
-Passion for gaming!
-Strong cultural understanding of the language you are applying for.
-Computer literacy – particularly with Excel.
-Robust Internet research skills.

Descrição original (japonês)

Qualificações bem-vindas

-Experience in LQA tools
-Experience n LQA for the gaming industry

Descrição original (japonês)

Tratamentos e benefícios

Salary increase available
Transportation expenses paid
Free dress and hairstyle
Various types of social insurance
Annual paid leave system

Descrição original (japonês)


2 full days off per week (shifts including weekends and national holidays)
Paid vacations

Descrição original (japonês)

Postado por PTWジャパン株式会社 há 10 horas

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